As an experienced provider of Private Wealth Solutions (PWS), we understand that every family office setup is as unique as each family. Our tailored services are designed to suit your specific family needs.

These include core family office services, supplemented by specialized external services based on your requirements and delivered in our generalist approach. This approach eliminates potential conflicts of interests, maximizes quality, and reduces regulatory challenges.

Wholly independent from any bank, lawyer or audit firm, Trustmoore is a trusted advisor fully focused on your needs. As an independent and transparent family office, we offer comprehensive consulting, unbiased and free of any product obligations.

What is a family office?

A family office is a privately held wealth-management advisory firm serving investors who belong to an affluent family. With the goal of wealth preservation, growth and transfer across generations, family offices typically offer investment, asset management, business succession planning, governance, wealth transfer, insurance, charitable giving, financial and estate planning, legal and tax services.

Private Wealth Solutions

Families often face difficult questions related to the management of their wealth:

  • How can we preserve or expand our family´s wealth?
  • What are our individual wealth objectives (as a family)?
  • How should our wealth be invested?
  • How should we structure our family wealth?
  • Why is a thorough investment strategy important?
  • How do I set up my own family office and effective family governance?

We can provide your answers and help your family to determine a suitable asset allocation, define investment policies, set up an unbiased investment structure, and select asset and/or fund managers as well as the most-efficient and most-effective legal structure for meeting your specific wealth-management goals.

With the ability to provide fund and investment services in Curaçao, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands and Singapore, we have access to an extensive network of banks, fund managers and asset managers in all major asset classes. While we do not act as an asset manager, we monitor, report on, counsel and coordinate your wealth, and assist with asset managers and/or fund selection as required.

The most-important aspects of effectively managing wealth are transparent, effective and efficient accounting and reporting of family assets. We use the most-efficient tools to generate clear and comprehensive consolidated asset reports to provide you with an easy, periodic wealth overview. In addition to reporting, we actively monitor and analyze asset-manager performance, proactively engaging them directly to discuss their performance and tactical decisions. Our effective accounting systems ensure that performance can be properly analyzed, portfolios are compliant with investment guidelines, and relevant information is available for proper tax assessment.

Do these concerns sound familiar?

We are completely independent from any bank, law or audit firm and as a trusted advisor, are solely focused on the needs of our family clients. Trustmoore, as independent and transparent family office, offers committed, comprehensive consulting, unbiased and free of any product.

We understand that there is not one family alike and therefore, we provide tailor-made services based on the specific needs of your family. Because a comprehensive approach is beyond the capacity of a single professional advisor, our professional and expert team can offer complementary administrative services. Our ISAE3402 certification, eliminates potential conflicts of interests, maximizes quality, and avoids regulatory challenges.

Get the solutions that fit your specific situation!

Families often face difficult questions and are confronted with many options related to the management of their wealth:

  • Do you focus on wealth preservation or growth?
  • What are the individual wealth objectives (as part of a family)?
  • How should our wealth be invested?
  • Do you have a comprehensive oversight on your wealth?
  • What is the most suitable structure for us?

Our experts will provide you with solutions that fit your specific situation.

Wealth-management strategies that ensure you reach your goals.

We help families define the strategic asset allocation of their wealth. From determining on investment policies to introducing asset and/or fund managers, as well as setting up the most-efficient and most effective legal structure for meeting wealth-management goals.

The most important aspects of effectively managing wealth are transparent, effective and efficient accounting and reporting of family assets.

We use the most efficient tools to generate clear and comprehensive consolidated asset reports to provide clients an easy, periodic wealth overview.

Our effective accounting systems ensure performance can be properly analysed, portfolios are compliant with investment guidelines, and relevant information is available for proper tax assessment.

Legal structure

Our legal structures are tailored to your specific needs. In many key jurisdictions, we are a licensed and supervised fiduciary service provider and can act as director, board member and trustee of family-owned entities and trusts. In our formal role, we provide core PWS services, ensuring that entities and trusts maintain requisite financial accounts and always comply with local (tax) laws and regulations. The combination of our wealth management and fiduciary services ensure that investment approach and management are securely situated in the formal decision-making bodies of investment entities.

Legal and tax needs

Whether you need legal documents drafted or reviewed, our in-house lawyers ensure a diligent, personalized result. Our in-house consultants are also intuitive when it comes to situations in which challenging legal or tax issues could arise. Should these specific legal or fiscal topics become relevant, we make use of an extensive network of external specialists to ensure premium solutions. We believe that engaging such experts is more effective and efficient due to their extensive and varied experience in these matters.

Family governance

Family governance is a structured process for educating and facilitating communication and decision-making between family members. Good, effective governance safeguards stability within a family. It promotes healthy relationships between family members, ensuring that they are mutually committed to the stewardship of family assets, addressing businesses and advisors with a single voice. The family governance setup is strongly dependent on the size and structure of the family itself.

Due to our extensive experience with family-governance issues we can assist you in setting up a governance model and guiding your family through the process of implementation.  We can manage family meetings, ensuring they are effective and properly documented.


Our personalized services include:

  • Corporate management
  • Trustee
  • Assistance with strategic asset allocations and portfolio monitoring
  • Asset-protection solutions
  • Family-business ownership structuring and governance
  • Family statutes
  • Succession planning
  • Day-to-day support
  • Relocation assistance
  • Yacht or residence management
  • Retirement planning



Make an inquiry
+31 20 4712 707

Roland Beunis

Why portfolio structuring and investment monitoring services are essential

We offer portfolio structuring and monitoring services. First of all, as Trustees or Directors of your family entities, we have the fiduciary responsibility to monitor the assets under our control. In addition, at the initial set-up of an investment portfolio, Trustmoore can assist with assessing the risk profile, the Investment plan, strategic asset-allocation, manager selection and the continued monitoring of the investments notwithstanding the fact whether the portfolio is owned by an entity or not.

When analyzing c.q. monitoring an existing investment portfolio, Trustmoore PWS takes the assessed risk profile into consideration and verifies whether the portfolio is still in line with this profile. Trustmoore reviews the net performance per asset class in the portfolio and determines whether and how the managers attributed to this performance and whether fees charges are in accordance with the asset management agreements.


August 2021 - How to solve a debt problem

June 2021 - Inflation
Jeroen van Lom CIO at Auréus wealth management

May 2021 - Basic Principles in Distressed Debt Investing
Thorsten Lederer Managing Partner at Panteo Global Partners

March 2021 - Value Investing
Dr Steven de Klerck, co-founder and manager of Pure Value Capital Fund.

February 2021 - Investing in private equity: What do you need to know?
Rob van der Laan, Founder & Managing Partner NewPort Capital



We provide Private Wealth Solutions in the following jurisdictions:



Trustmoore Netherlands
De Lairessestraat 145
1075 HJ | Amsterdam | Netherlands
T +31 20 4712 707 


Trustmoore Curaçao
Landhuis Groot Kwartier
Groot Kwartierweg 12
Willemstad   |   Curaçao
+5999 7471401


Trustmoore Luxembourg
8 Rue Dicks
L-1417   |   Luxembourg
T +352 20 600 100


Trustmoore Ireland 
31-32 Leeson Street Lower
D02 F838   |  Dublin 2   |   Ireland
+353 1 961 9355


Trustmoore Malta
97 Windsor Street
SLM 1853  |  Sliema  |  Malta
T +356 2778 2607


Trustmoore United Kingdom
120 Pall Mall
4th Floor
SW1Y 5EA  |  London  |  UK
T: + 44 (0) 7538 126161


Trustmoore Hong Kong

Suite 4005  |  40/F. Singga Commercial Centre
No. 144-151 Connaught Road West   |   Hong Kong
T +852 3703 3868


Trustmoore Singapore
83B Tanjong Pagar Rd
Singapore 088504
T +65 6817 4800


Trustmoore Cyprus
30 Chytron street
office A22  |  2nd floor
1075 |  Nicosia  |  Cyprus
+357 22257681


Trustmoore Switzerland
Bodmerstrasse 7
8002 | Zurich | Switzerland
+41 44 2800 036



Trustmoore Bulgaria
105, Knyaz Boris
1000  |  Sofia  |  Bulgaria
+359 888 609 369



Please contact if you are interested in our Private Wealth Solutions in other jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands or  the United States of America.